a very prudent plan even if you are just starting out to network
marketing, It is really all of great magnitude that you snap up your place
with Payer Player asap! If you are already involved with network marketing
at that moment you can determine how becoming involved in Pay Player would
directly benefit you. Positioning is utilized by the smart marketers as a
method of placing them before all their competition. This is not
continuously done by high priced and aggressive advertising and marketing.
It is all about acknowledging an extraordinary opportunity and claiming
your position. The earlier you join the better.
The Payer Player is the revolutionary social network tool that lots of
internet marketers have been looking for. A solitary central location for
socializing, sharing, producing whatever, while rewarding you for the
merit you add to the network. The Payer Player can be used right from your
profile page, deployed completely from your desktop for interaction with
no browser, or embedded on all of your social networking pages.
PayerPlayer Features:
Upload video, search for articles or users, access several social
networking web sites, video chat, text chat with friends, chat to text on
cellular phone devices, watch television, add RSS feeds, and much, much
more. If you are a paid subscriber, you will certainly be placed in our
affiliate program. When you participate in the affiliate program, you can
simply refer others and experience a 25 percent monthly commission on all
your own referrals and profit from the growth of the network as well.
The Payer Player is your tremendous communicating playground. One site
meant for online or mobile phone communications.
-Create and Access Custom Media Channels
-Chat by Text and Video
-Visit Your Favorite Social Networking Sites Like Twitter, Facebook,
MySpace, YouTube, Etc.
-Come Together With Friends And Family And Share Files And Documents Real
-Conduct Professional Business Meetings In The Audio And Video Discussion
-Play Many Exciting Games
-Watch The Best Movies And TV Shows -Video Recorder - You Will Need A
Microphone And Web Cam
-Broadcast Yourself Live - You Will Need A Microphone And Web Cam
What genuinely establishes The PayerPlayer as a tremendous communication
playground is it's flexibility. Simply consider the notion of leaping from
one site to another or even having to hop on the internet at all is
history. The Payer Player can be integrated on pretty much all social
network site profiles and set in motion directly from your PC.
Our affiliate marketing program at PayerPlayer is a wonderful opportunity.
There are a couple of ways to explode the PayerPlayer affiliate marketing
program: 1. Being a free subscriber you can opt into the affiliate
marketing program and earn 25 percent commission on all of your direct
referrals only. 2. Being a paid subscriber you will automatically
participate in the affiliate marketing program and all you have to do is
opt in by referring a a couple of new subscribers. Paid subscribers earn
25 percent commission on every direct referral and as an eligible
affiliate can also make commissions on eight levels of referrals.